: Gallery
Bikeability Level 1, by Mr Findlow
How do animals stay warm?, by Mrs Sanderson
Measuring and Observing the effects of exercise..., by Mrs Sanderson
What are our joints for?, by Mrs Sanderson
Harvest Worship, by Mr Nolan
Colour mixing in Art, by Mr Nolan
Litter Picking!, by Mrs Sanderson
Investigating Air Resistance, by Mrs Sanderson
Number Sense - 4.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Trikidz, by Mrs Crosier
Teeth!, by Mrs Sanderson
Feelings in PSHE, by Mrs Sanderson
Improvising with the glockenspiels..., by Mrs Sanderson
Investigating friction..., by Mrs Sanderson
Playing our glockenspiel!, by Mrs Sanderson
Grouping materials by their properties..., by Mrs Sanderson
Friendship, by Mrs Halsall
Working Collaboratively, by Mrs Halsall
Drama, by Mrs Halsall
Gymnastics, by Mrs Halsall
Queen Elizabeth II, by Mrs Halsall
Computing 28.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Playing the glockenspiels 26.9.22, by Mrs Chidgey
Our Learning Inspires Us, by Mrs Burger
Exploring Stories, by Mrs Burger